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Fitted out for long range cruising and equipped with a Nautosphere Voyager furling mainsail, this Italian skippered Wauquiez 43 has completed a full circumnavigation, participating in the ARC 2014 and World ARC 2016. This is what the skipper wrote to us after returning to Europe:



...I just wanted to let you know that the main sail we made with your sailcloth is back in Valencia, and in very good shape after more than 25.000 miles and very, very heavy winds....I would estimate at least 10-15.000 miles above 30 knots and 500-1.000 above 40 knots....up to 65 knots. I believe the sail could go one more round.

Only the mainsail in the photo is made from Nautosphere Voyager sailcloth.

Off Tonga in the south pacific ocean, blowing 35 knots and gusts up to 45 knots

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